Chief Madison endorses Toney Edwards for Sheriff


My name is Chief Richard Madison and for the past three years I have been the Chief of Police for the Town of Jonesville. I have served under three mayors. I have 52 years of experience in law enforcement, starting my career with military police while in the military. I also have experience in patrol, probation, arson investigation, and as a school resource officer. Speaking as a man with 30 years of military experience, I believe Sheriff Toney Edwards is the most qualified candidate for Sheriff of Catahoula Parish.

Sheriff Edwards was a dedicated deputy who treated all people the right way, even in his early years. Anytime I called upon him for assistance, his service was impeccable. A Sheriff with law enforcement experience is important to Jonesville and the rest of our parish. You must have administrative, tactical, and technical knowledge of the job in order to be a successful Sheriff. You cannot learn this all in just four years serving as Sheriff. Your years of service leading up to being Sheriff count for something. People’s lives are at stake, so the law enforcement knowledge of the sheriff AND his department is vital.

Anytime the Jonesville Police Department has called the Catahoula Parish Sheriff’s Office for assistance, we have always got the help we needed. If a citizen of Jonesville calls the sheriff’s office, they help. He does these things not just to help me and my department, but to help the citizens and the businesses of Jonesville. He knows we must work together to be successful, and he and I have a wonderful working relationship. CPSO has donated patrol units to our department. Whenever we were short on dispatchers, Sheriff Edwards stepped in and did what was necessary to cover our calls. Each year on Juneteenth, Sheriff Edwards and his department are at this event for the duration, not just on election years. They come out, visit, and do anything necessary to keep our citizens safe and celebrate with the citizens. On June 18, 2023, there was a murder in the Town of Jonesville after the Juneteenth celebration had ended. CPSO was prepared and led the investigation with the needed equipment and expertise. As police chief, I see Sheriff Edwards go above and beyond the call of duty for the citizens of Jonesville.

Sheriff Edwards has placed School Resource and DARE Officers in every school in this parish. We all know the importance of this. Sheriff Edwards and his team have had mock school shooting drills in order to prepare incase the unthinkable ever does happen here. These deputies not only protect our children, but also mentor them. Sheriff Edwards and his department do everything possible to educate children about the dangers in our world. As a military man and law enforcement officer, I would die with him in the field. We are trained to run towards danger and not from it!

Sheriff Edwards also stepped up and provided a 24-hour ambulance service within our parish when no one else could produce a solution. Without an ambulance service, how were injured people be transported to a hospital besides by a police unit? I’ve seen Sheriff Edwards be the closest officer near an emergency situation and he responded and assisted. He did not just stand by and let his officers handle the situation. He KNOWS the importance of our parish being equipped with emergency medical service.

I believe Sheriff Edwards is the right man for the job of Sheriff. We have the right man for the job right now! He is experienced. He is dedicated to the badge. He has good people always willing to help that are working for him at the sheriff’s office. I trust him and ask you to vote for Sheriff Toney Edwards so that we can keep a Sheriff with experience in Catahoula Parish.

Paid for by Chief Richard Madison