Hooked On History


From the archives of November 7, 1941 “Catahoula Parish held its Leader Training Meeting Monday, November 3, 1941, with approximately sixty leaders present from all branches of the Department of Agriculture, County and Community Committeeman, Home economics teachers and a few farmers from throughout the parish. The goals adopted by the Parish USDA Defense Board, on last Tuesday October 28, 1941, were reviewed and approved by these leaders for the “Food for Freedom” campaign in this parish.

The group was address by Professor F. H. Shields, Principal of the Jonesville High School, who made a very inspiring talk on why and how Catahoula Parish could do its part in the Food for Freedom program. He pointed out that the main thing for the farmers of this parish as well as the nation should live at home, in order to preserve the food on the market for the allies of the United States at war. He gave the necessity of why especially more milk, eggs, and pork should be raised to help Great Britian as the people of that country were only allotted two eggs per month; farmers that owned and operated dairies in England did not have cream on their own table. The lack of malnutrition the people Europe needed, Mr. Shields concluded his address by stressing that every farm family in Catahoula Parish has a garden, some chickens, and hogs.

Mr. E. E. Johnson, County Agent, the second speaker on the program discussed the goals and problems confronting these goals for the parish. Every member present pledged themselves to help solve these problems. In concluding the meeting Mr. E. E. Johnson requested that each leader present help put this program over in Catahoula parish as it was not only their part but would have to succeed by the whole-hearted support of every individual of this country to do his part.”

Little did those present at the meeting and worrying about supplying food to our allies know that in one month Pearl Harbor would be bombed propelling the United States into World War 2.